• Review: Eylure Brow Pencil

    Hey Everyone, So as mentioned in a recent post, I did some impulse buying recently. Whilst I was in Superdrug…


    My thoughts on Cecil…

    Hi everyone, I wasn’t planning on writing a post today but I feel quite strongly about this topic so just…


    Yoga: The benefits of Yoga for your Body & Mind…

    Hi everyone, Today I wanted to take some time to talk about a wonderful form of exercise that I love…Yoga! Yoga…


    Review: Invisi bobble!

    Hi Everyone, So today I wanted to talk about a recent new find, only a small thing, but I’m so…


    Inspirational Women: Audrey Hepburn

    There are so many ways people can be inspired, and I think we can always do more (particularly women) at…


    Recommended Authors: Jane Austen

    Happy Friday! Today I am showing some love to one of my favourite authors. I am well aware that pretty much…


    Curly vs Straight

    Today I wanted to talk about something that’s “bigger than me or any single act of legislation this is about…


    Review: Real Techniques Miracle Complexion sponge

    Hi Everyone, So today I have a quick review of a recent new purchase! I finally decided to invest in…


    Lingerie & the confidence it can bring you…

    Hi Everyone, So today I wanted to talk about something new, but a topic I have a real love for…lingerie!…


    Beauty Favourites for July!

    Hi Everyone, Today I wanted to show some love to my favourite beauty products. These are the current ones that…


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