At the beginning of this month I really wanted to make a change to help sort out my finances and get control of my savings again. Though I’m all for not wasting moments or worrying too much about money stress, I also love having savings. Savings in the bank make me feel just a little safer, and obviously for the long-term it doesn’t hurt to have some funds for a rainy day. I do want to buy a flat or a house one day, and without savings there isn’t much I could expect to buy. But one of the main things that is a big expense for me, is the travel to and from work.
I therefore decided to try to cut the expense of my bus fare and make a commitment to cycle to work. This goes to benefit me in two ways. Firstly the cost saving, and secondly the added bonus of getting exercise everyday. I am not someone who enjoys cardio really, so this is a big commitment for me, but one that I have surprisingly really enjoyed. The added bonus of cycling of course is knowing that I am helping the earth stay a little greener too.

*Disclaimer- This is not how I look cycling to work. If you live in Liverpool then you may have seen me in a raincoat, dodgy helmet and looking slightly (very) sweaty.
Though there have been some fun things I’ve recently had the pleasure of experiencing as a novice cyclist such as; bike bruises, chafing, falling off my bike and cars getting terrifying close to me, to name a few! I have had three days so far when I was not able to cycle, either because of plans after work or shopping needing to be done. On those days when I didn’t cycle, I felt a little less energised and definitely not as happy. After less than three weeks, it has become a habit that I really enjoy. Though during my daily cycle I feel at times as if I’m one pedal away from falling off, and also don’t feel as if my legs will quite get me there, I always power through, and ALWAYS without a doubt feel so good after I reach my destination.
I now feel comfortable enough to listen to music (Very quietly) whilst I cycle and as the spring sunshine has hit, it honestly has brightened me up. Considering my job can get a little mundane, sitting down at a desk all day isn’t that thrilling after all, cycling not only gives me exercise, but gives me chance to enjoy some fresh air, sunshine and just take some time for myself!
As someone who doesn’t naturally love exercise, I have really started to fall in love with it this year more than ever. Besides the amazing Tone it up ladies helping me stay motivated, cycling has given me a new refreshing feeling to wake up to. Now the hard part will be making sure I stay motivated enough to keep doing it!
If you have any doubts about starting a new exercise, or even just a new challenge, then this post is just to tell you that you can do and succeed at whatever you set your mind to.
x x